Thursday, May 25, 2006

Uplands Gallery

Frieze Artfair London 2004, Jarrod Rawlins and Blair
Artissima Turin 2003, Jarrod and Blair
Tara Rawlins and Blair
Uplands Team during the first year or so of the gallery


Blogger sufferwords said...

Looks like a great gallery wish I knew where you were


2:46 pm  
Blogger speech said...

Uplands Gallery
Level 1/12 Waratah Place

2:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blair would have loved the move to Prahran. At every opportunity he'd beg me to take him there for a roll. I fondly remember him wanting to show me the new ramp...we were a bit nervous dropping into it because it was so big without our pads, but we did it. I'd never seen himlook so scared. The longer I dwell on it the more I think it was a put on to make me feel stronger when I did it first. He could have done it with bare feet and a smoke in his mouth.

11:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been a year already mate. It really hits you when you're watching a new skate video such as Live After Death by Plan B and realize that you would have been the one who had it first and made an event out of describing every trick in it to us before we saw it.
Still thinking of you every day.

9:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

January 11. Blair would have turned 34

10:01 am  

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